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Most Sincere IAS Officer in India | Narayanpet Collector Hari Chandana shortlisted for PM Award for Excellence in Public Administration

Most Sincere IAS Officer in India | Narayanpet Collector Hari Chandana shortlisted for PM Award for Excellence in Public Administration

Narayanpet Collector Hari Chandana Dasari has been shortlisted for the prestigious Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration 2020, along with 12 other public officials from the country. She is the only official from Telangana to be shortlisted for the award this year.

Over 12 IAS officers serving in various capacities in the state districts have been shortlisted under ‘Innovation’ Category. Dasari has been shortlisted under the ‘Innovation in Governance’ category.

Hari Chandana Dasari, ever since her days as GHMC Zonal Commissioner, has been known as an official who mixes creativity with her work. She had actively worked to plan new ways of waste management in the city. She is also known to have worked actively to develop the city’s first dog park, with 25 installations for dogs and facilities ensuring their health.

She was appointed as the Collector, Naraynpet District early 2020 and has contributed in setting up Cpgrams/Prajavani, Narayanpet District Website, and eOffice. She belongs to the 2010 batch of IAS officers.

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