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Using a workbook in your business with cookies

Md Selim Reza
Using a workbook in your business with cookies

If you own a cookie shop, you should have online and offline workbooks for your creations.

I was kidnapped when I attended my cousins' wedding and I saw all the different things that were done with the cookies. Oreo cookies were dipped in chocolate and then in white icing, on the cakes were the names of the bride and groom.

I also saw very large word cookies with a design on the front of the cookies. One store advertises a very large cake with white icing and then a pink sign "Will you marry me?" 

I've seen jacket-shaped, person-shaped, and even 3-D rose-shaped cookies.

I saw glazes in all possible colors and on one cake I saw several shades of glaze. I saw big cookies and small cookies, along with everything in between.

I saw bottle-shaped cookies for a fresh baby and balloon and heart-shaped cookies for birthdays. At the wedding, I saw cookies with a monogram with the letters of the wedding couple, and I saw cookies in the shape of red roses and left with each placemat.

Cookies, anyone?

I answered the soft knock on my door, wondering who might be there. As an American attending a Spanish language school in Guadalajara, Mexico, I was completely new to my neighborhood. I was greeted by a shy smile, and the 5-year-old little boy said quietly, "This was sent to you by my mother. She wanted you to taste some special Mexican food." There was something on the plate he had placed in my hands that I knew as chiles Rellenos, soft or stuffed with cheese and fried in a foamy egg path. They are delicious! I learned that anyone who receives food should return a plate filled with a similar gift. In my mind, I congratulated how well I had learned about the culture.

Now, what was a good practice at the time, I was wondering what food would be best to return to the neighbors. It should be something the whole family could enjoy, and it would be nice to give them something typically American as a special delicacy. As my brain went through the list of options, it stopped on chocolate chip word cookies answers. What could be better? It would be a particularly nice gift because, at that time, chocolate chips were not available in stores in our part of town. The week before, I had just gone to the border to renew my visas and buy some staple foods at a large grocery store, so I was well stocked with baking supplies.

As I was kneading the dough, I decided to add some nuts and raisins.  I read in the magazine that adding instant coffee to the cookie dough will increase the taste, so I also added a teaspoon.

My sparsely furnished house did not have a stove with an oven, but that did not ruin my plan. I knew that some cakes could be baked in an electric pan, so I decided to give it a try. I turned on the pan and placed a can lid in the middle, which served as a tripod. While it was warming up, I was looking for a frying pan that would fit in the limited space that the frying pan provided.

 The only one that was not too big was the 9-inch cake tin. It will work, I thought. There was only one small problem - only four cookies fit in the cake mold at a time. I wasn't going to give up now. It would only take more rations to consume all the sweet, spicy dough. When I started my little cooking, I had no idea that cooking each batch took more than 30 minutes due to reduced heat. The old electric frying pan I had at the time just didn't match a nice hot oven.

The cupcakes on my mallet are my favorites. We've all seen flowers in a vase, but the cookies on the stick in the vase always make me smile. What could be more fun than a dozen chocolate chip cookies in a vase?

If you sell these items, you know that my words are not true to the product. The words alone just can't sell biscuit decorations like the photos in the album. Add a little diary. Let potential customers know what the various designs pictured were for. I believe the notebook of your designs will help increase sales by allowing the customer to visually see exactly what they are ordering.

Md Selim Reza
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