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Parler Expands Business into Decentralized Technology

MarTech Cube
Parler Expands Business into Decentralized Technology

Parler today announced plans to expand its portfolio to include decentralized technology projects, including NFT (non-fungible tokens) marketplaces. Known primarily for its viewpoint-neutral free speech social media platform, the company has assembled a team of industry veterans with extensive experience in the development and management of blockchain to support the growth of digital assets.

With this move, Parler embraces Web 3 and demonstrates its commitment to being a first mover amongst social media companies in this sphere. Parler CEO George Farmer stated, “no company has been more punitively damaged than Parler by Big Tech, and we, as a business, are now seeking to be an early-stage investor and operator in the Web 3 movement: user, not owner, operated.”

Parler will therefore be expanding its portfolio of operations to focus on Web 3 and decentralized assets.

Parler has already demonstrated its first steps into this field by assisting comprehensively in the buildout of the NFT platform for Melania Trump.

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