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How to tell how many miles a car has without an odometer

Allen Stewart
How to tell how many miles a car has without an odometer

Odometer dysfunction can happen due to a lot of reasons. Whatever the reasons might be, an odometer is absolutely necessary. But first, let's see what an odometer is. 

What is an odometer?

An odometer is nothing but a device that is used to measure the distance/mileage traveled by car, motorbike, truck, or any other form of automobile. Most cars and other automobiles have an odometer installed on their dashboard. Odometers have something known as 'cogs,' which represent a numerical value. These cogs turn instantly as per the rotation of the wheels with the help of a cable connection. The mileage can be tracked through a window casing. New car models are equipped with digital odometers and have a chip similar to the one used in computers to track the automobile's mileage. 

How can you track your mileage without an odometer?

In case your odometer dysfunctions while you are driving, you can rely on some other good options to track your car's mileage.  

1. Download a mile tracker app

If your odometer stops functioning, you can use your smartphone as a good alternative to track your mileage. Take out your phone and download a mileage tracker app. There are some good mileage tracker apps available on Google Play Store (for Android users) and the App Store (for iOS users). You can install the app of your liking.  

2. Use online maps such as Google Maps or Apple Maps

If apps bother you, noting the miles by hand can be a good option. Open an online map service like Google Maps or Apple Maps and input your destination or use the GPS. But remember, you'll need a good Internet connection to access your live location using GPS. If you don't have a good connection, you can look for possible paths on a roadmap (This method is best suited for people taking a usual route). If you run into a detour or are forced to pick up a co-worker, do make a note of it.

Please note, if you're tracking your mileage for tax deductions, remember to not include any non-business-related stops such as sightseeing adventures or personal visits


Tracking your automobile's mileage helps in:

1. Tax Deduction: People can use their mileage record to avail some tax deductions. 

2. Expense recordings for business owners: Business owners need to record all the resources they are using. Financial statements include the depreciation expense of a vehicle along with its repair and gasoline expenses. Mileage records can be a basis for the automobile's warranty coverage and estimated life. 


Cars older than ten years are exempt from seller disclosure in California. This makes it necessary to accurately track mileage, whether it is using an odometer or any other technique. 

Andrew Richardson is the author of this Article. To know more about Ford buy back program Lemon please visit our website: allenstewart.com

Allen Stewart
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