What is an allergy? Allergies, this term itself reminds you of the constant sneezing, coughing, occasional fever and headaches one faces during the change of any season, throughout the year. With seasonal changes, the environment, temperature, flora, fauna, and food intakes change and this brings about changes in our bodies. With the fluctuation of immunity during season changes, people tend to develop certain allergies. Seasonal allergies are highly misunderstood and people have certain myths about them which prevent the allergy facts from reaching everyone.
Let’s try to brush up on some facts related to seasonal allergies.
Yearlong Allergies are not Season Allergies! What’s so complicated about that?
Seasonal allergies are just what the name suggests, last only for a season. If you have allergies that go on for the whole year, it is not a seasonal allergy. With season changes, especially during spring time, plants produce pollen, which spreads through the air. This pollen is highly allergic and can cause the most common symptoms like cold and cough in many individuals. When the pollen-producing plants release the pollen in the beginning of the season, you tend to get affected and these ill effects will wear off by the end of the season. If not, you need to understand your allergy causes and the treatments you need to take for them.
‘Hay’ and ‘Fever’ Not Cause of Seasonal Allergies
Hay Fever is a common name used for the illness caused by seasonal changes. The allergies one develops due to the pollen is termed as hay fever, however, there is no ‘hay’ and no ‘fever’ involved with these kinds of allergies. Very logically ‘hay’ which is dried grass does not produce any kind of pollen to affect you and cause illness. Inhaling the pollens released by live plants is what causes illness. You may face symptoms like itchy eyes and cold when you inhale these pollen particles. Telfast has a number of anti-allergic medicines that can be taken for any seasonal allergic reactions.
Children should not be Treated by Consuming Raw Honey
An allergic reaction of the body towards the pollen in the air is actually the immune system of your body fighting with the inhaled pollen or proteins. These pollen travel in the air and children are more prone to inhaling these as they are often seen playing in the outdoors, more than adults. The immune system starts fighting rigorously with the pollen, causing ill effects like allergies. In a lot of households, children are given raw honey to introduce the same pollens in the body and to dial down the immune systems vigor. However raw honey can cause botulism in a child's body when given raw and this should be completely prevented. In the attempt of allergy prevention, the child may face bigger consequences.
Environment Control May lead to Allergy Control
Allergy season can be predictive and you would know well in advance due to the temperature changes that it is about to begin. You can prevent getting infected with pollen and dust during this season by controlling the environment around you. Preventing allergies is any day better than allergies treatment. Hence you can follow certain rules when entering or exiting your house. Remove your shoes outside the house, when you enter the house, make sure you are first washing your hands and feet with warm water. Washing of hair is also recommended at least 2-3 times a week to get rid of the pollen that may have settled in your hair. Spring cleaning is a ritual that many of you follow, you can continue doing so and involve deep cleaning of fabric sofas and mattresses to prevent catching any allergies.
Do not aggravate your symptoms with Stress
Stress is something that every individual faces nowadays. Allergies cannot be caused by stress but stress can surely increase the severity of the allergic symptoms. The more stressed a person is, the more severe and long the symptoms of any allergy will remain in your body. What does Telfast do? Telfast offers you a wide variety of allergy medicines which you can always keep handy before allergy season starts.
Seasonal allergies cannot be outgrown
Allergies are classified into a variety of categories; Kids usually face a lot of allergies related to food and their environment due to low immunity levels. Other allergies may or may not wear off with age, but season allergies usually tend to stick. They are faced by adults with the same severity as faced by kids. Outgrowing a seasonal allergy is very rare.
Can shots prevent allergies?
Shots are a very commonly used method to prevent allergies. It is a preventive method however it cannot be part of allergy treatments. Doctors will introduce the allergen into your body through the shots and help your immune system to understand the allergen properly. Accordingly, your immune systems prepare for this kind of allergen attack during season changes and will reduce the severity of the seasonal allergy symptoms when actually you do tend to get infected naturally. These are some of the allergy facts which a doctor might not tell you.
Is the allergy season getting longer?
The allergy season is in fact getting longer. In the earlier days, allergies would usually last for a month or a bit longer than that. However, with recent climate changes and environmental hazards, allergy season has in fact extended quite a bit. With warmer than regular temperatures which last for a longer time nowadays, the pollen released in the air lives much longer than it used to, hence we being exposed to them much longer. The plants tend to grow very fast due to the increasing quantity of carbon dioxide in the air, released due to high levels of pollution. Growing quickly and with ease will also make them release pollen which is stronger and more harmful to humans.
Consult your healthcare professional if your allergies last longer than usual. It may be some other kind of symptom, than your regular seasonal allergy. Its best to have all the required and prescribed medicines handy before the allergy season begins.