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5 Features You Need in Fire Inspections Software - Firelab

Fire Lab
5 Features You Need in Fire Inspections Software - Firelab

Fire inspection software is an essential aspect of a fire department’s contribution to its community. The work spent by fire specialists keeping buildings safer pays dividends in lives and property saved via the prevention, from new construction to routine inspections on existing structures.

Building materials and blueprints become more sophisticated and specialized and cities continue to develop at a faster pace, the old approach of paper-and-pen inspections can no longer keep up. Furthermore, using inspections to develop fire pre-plans has the valuable benefits of adding another time-consuming stage to the fire inspector’s laborious job.

As a result, many fire departments are switching to fire inspection software, making their duties easier and more thorough during inspections and after preparing incident plans. These software solutions, designed expressly for fire inspections, digitize the checklists and forms used in property inspections. These digital data may then be utilized to develop a digital fire pre-plan, stored in the cloud for secure storage and maintenance, and shared with all responding staff as needed during an emergency.

Fire Lab
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