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A Beginners Guide To Capacitors

A Beginners Guide To Capacitors


A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. The effect of a capacitor is known as Capacitance. A capacitor has terminals connected to two metal plates separated by a non-conducting material. Also, the capacitor passes alternating current rather than direct current.


Advantages of Falcon Capacitors


Energy Storage- A capacitor is a passive electronic component that tends to store, filter, and regulate electrical energy. A capacitor also has the property of conducting alternating current and blocking voltage levels of direct current.


Simple Operating Principle- The simple and effective operating principle of a capacitor is that it has two parallel metallic plates, which are separated by a dielectric material, which is non-conductive. Positive and negative charges get collected on separate plates. The plate on which the electron gets collected develops a negative charge. Whereas a positive charge is developed on the other plate. Now both the plates try to come closer to each other because of the opposite charges, but the dielectric material keeps them separate. Therefore, an electric field is created, and the capacitor stores the charge.

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