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How Does Ayurveda Work?

How Does Ayurveda Work?

"The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects." • Shubhra Krishan, Author of Essential Ayurveda

This well-said quote is warmly accepted by people in India who wish to gain the benefits of Ayurveda. An ancient medicinal form, Ayurveda was developed during the Vedic times about 5000 years ago.

Ayurveda-An Insight

The word Ayurveda basically consists of two words; Ayur and Veda. 'Ayur' stands for life, while 'Veda' suggests science. It literally means the 'science of life'. It is not a medicinal system; it is much more than that. It won't be wrong to call Ayurveda a way of life.

The Science of Healing

Unlike other medicinal systems, this age-old system deals with physical, mental and spiritual health. Governed by the laws of nature, Ayurveda suggests that health can be acquired by establishing a perfect harmony among mind, body and soul. According to this old science of healing, our body is made of five elements-earth, water, fire, space and air. Three biological humors govern the functional aspects of any individual's body. Ayurveda medicines are prepared using traditional process at home with little mechanization, which is used for large-scale production. This way, the therapeutics contains the active principles in natural forms, which heal the patients from within.

While prescribing Ayurvedic treatment to a person, the physical, mental and emotional well-being is also considered. The Ayruvedic medicines usually come in the form of powder, decoctions, tablets and medicated oils, prepared using natural herbs, minerals and plants.

Ayurveda in India

Kerala, the God's own country is the foremost place in India where Ayurveda has been practiced with complete dedication. We can get an idea of the significance of Ayurveda in Kerala by the fact that Ayurveda tourism is gaining popularity worldwide. The city has the best Ayurveda practitioners and Ayurveda doctors who are carrying forward this amazing science of life. If facts are to be believed, almost 80% of the people in India use it. The Indian Govt. also encouraged organized research on Ayurveda formulations and treatments in 1969. Major cities have an Ayurveda college or hospital to promote this wonderful healing system. The growing impact of Ayurveda in India can be witnessed by learning the fact that Ayurveda resorts have become a preferred choice for many travellers, seeking rejuvenation in India.

Taking Ayurveda Ahead!

When it comes to Ayurveda in India, the name 'Jiva' strikes in our minds! There are many renowned organizations that are dedicated towards making Ayurveda a way of life. They not only promote Ayurveda globally but they also educate people about this age-old science. With its chain of clinics throughout India, it has enabled millions of people to restore life with this ancient medicinal system. Visit https://www.3doshas.de/


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