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Logistical roadblocks to the COVID-19 vaccine export from India

Logistical roadblocks to the COVID-19 vaccine export from India

A smooth vaccine roll-out requires the logistics to be on-point. Currently, India as a nation is facing roadblocks on this front to export its surplus of vaccines. Vaccine distribution in India has been effortless due to the ceaseless contribution and efforts of the logistics sector. Let’s delve deeper to find out what’s causing difficulties on the export front.

According to a Reuters report, India is literally struggling to export its surplus of COVID-19 vaccines. The report states that logistical hurdles are delaying the use of vaccines in many countries. Also, there is a demand and supply imbalance that’s giving rise to this issue. Due to the excess supply and sinking demand, India’s Serum Institute of India (SII) has decided to halve the production of AstraZeneca until further orders from the government. There are certain countries that have vaccinated only about 10 or 15% of their population. India is in a position to supply vaccines to these countries but both delivery and capacity of absorption in many countries are too slow, especially in the African continent. Recently, the head of the Africa CDC has mentioned that the continent’s absorption is challenged because of the logistics and delivery. Moving vaccines from airports to the arms of people is a matter of concern there due to which the Covid-19 vaccination drives are getting hampered. In fact, due to slow uptake, some vaccines were at risk of being destroyed. On the other hand, in some African countries, the vaccination process has suddenly accelerated due to which the logistics have become unmanageable.

India, being one of the primary manufacturers of vaccines, best pharma logistics services in India has been instrumental in exporting vaccines to every nook and cranny of the globe. Of late, due to the logistical hurdles in some countries, India’s vaccine export is jeopardized. With the emergence of the new Covid variant Omicron, it is imperative for those countries to speed up their vaccination process while overcoming the logistical hurdles and eliminating the chaos. However, it is challenging for the global logistics sector to overcome the pre-existing hurdles at the moment due to the already stressed conditions of the supply chains. Just when the vaccine logistics in some countries needed to gear up and ease India’s export process, Omicron has started making things murkier. India, however, if has to remain the primary supplier of vaccines to the world then it must continue to supply even during the most difficult times else countries reliant on India would have no other choice but look for alternate suppliers. It would be interesting to see how the world’s logistics sector buckles up to face the heat and facilitates vaccine delivery to even the remotest corner of the world. Meanwhile, it could also be expected that the hurdles that India is facing in terms of both vaccine manufacturing and export will get nullified soon. All that is required for India’s vaccine exports to resume smoothly is less turbulence and more stability across the globe. 

To know more: https://jeena.com/blog_read.php?slug=logistical-roadblocks-to-the-covid19-vaccine-export-from-india

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