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Paxful Clone Script-Launch Your P2P Crypto Exchange

Bella Bardot
Paxful Clone Script-Launch Your P2P Crypto Exchange

Paxful is the leading P2P Crypto exchange platform that serves users to trade bitcoins, altcoins, and other tokens. The people-powered technology has attracted a global audience into Paxful to trade-off. Build Your P2P Crypto Exchange platform like Paxful with ready-to-go Paxful Clone Script. Paxful Clone is a prefabricated solution to build a Peer-to-peer Crypto Exchange which comprises all the indispensable features and functionalities like Paxful. Reach the best Cryptocurrency Exchange provider to launch your exchange platform.

Top Features Of Paxful Clone Script

  • Multiple Payment Modes


           Our Paxful Clone script accepts around 350 payment options which help your transactions happen hassle-free.

  • Escrow based Trading Service


           The escrow-based trading helps the end-users to sell, buy bitcoins in a secured way by avoiding phishing attacks.       


  • Enhanced Dispute Management


           Paxful Clone Script is designed with refined dispute management to avoid any hurdles that occur when the transactions are held.

  • Advertisement Options

           The users can post ads to sell and buy bitcoins which makes the trade happen easily by availing the suitable cryptocurrency pairs.

  • Access to Full Source Code

           Paxful Clone Script is developed in such a way that the source code is open and the users can check through it if needed.

  • Gift Card Hub

The newly introduced Gift Card Hub feature helps the users to list a minimum of 50 cards for sale and earn more cryptos.


  • Two-factor Authentication

            Two factor-authentication provides 100% security to your transactions and protects them from ransomware and malware attacks.

Planning to Build Your Crypto Exchange Like Paxful?

Maticz, the first-rate Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company offers the finest Paxful Clone Script loaded with end-to-end features and functionalities. We also offer white-label Paxful Clone Script which is designed as per the client's needs. Avail of our premium quality Paxful Clone and plunge into the crypto space.

Bella Bardot
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