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Affordable Online Therapy in India | Dr. Neha Mehta

Dr. Neha Mehta
Affordable Online Therapy in India | Dr. Neha Mehta

As this COVID-19 pandemic and financial slumps, We all are ending up getting stressed more than we did before. This is making us reach to Affordable Online Therapy as an option. Getting mental health care should be very simple and straightforward. Even if there is an affordable therapist available, the stigma of seeking mental health care is still strong. Online therapy is the affordable and accessible answer to better mental health, depending on the city you are living in. 

Dr. Neha Mehta has come forward with her Online Psychological Panel MY FIT BRAIN, with a vision of providing Affordable Online Therapy in India. It is one the leading online counseling and therapy consultation platforms in India, with the best team of Psychologist, Therapist, Counselor and Mental Health Therapist. You can avail yourself of affordable therapy just by sitting at your comfort place via chat, voice calls or video calls. To deal with emotional and mental consequences like depression, anxiety, isolation and many more, why you should you choose Affordable Online Therapy:

  • Convenient
  • Consistent 
  • Accessible 
  • Effective 
  • Confidential 

Book an online appointment. For more information, visit: Affordable Online Therapy in India

Dr. Neha Mehta
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