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Raise the beauty of your home with the Moroccan wallpaper

Burke Decor
Raise the beauty of your home with the Moroccan wallpaper

The walls of the home play a vital role in home décor trends. You can uplift your home decor by styling your walls. Add the Moroccan wallpaper to your home for an attractive and stunning look. Here are various types of wallpapers for your home that can perfectly blend with your home décor and style. You can choose the color and style of the wallpaper according to your choice and preference. Moreover, wallpapers are mainly categorized into two parts self-adhesive wallpaper and traditional wallpaper. Keep reading this article to know about the wallpapers for your home: -

Paste the paper:

Traditional wallpapers have not come with adhesive, and you need to apply the adhesive at the back of the paper. However, wallcoverings that are manufactured with vinyl substrates, cotton, or paper absorb the moisture and expand when pasted on the wall. If you apply wallpaper direct on the wall, the material might wrinkle and bubble. These papers need to be ‘booked’ before installing them on the wall. Moreover, “Booking” is the method of folding the wallpaper in on itself and keeping it for drying. You have to “book” the wallpaper for around 15 minutes. Once booked is complete, you can paste the wallpaper on the walls.

Hanging Tips

- Use a 3/8 inch nap roller to apply the adhesive at the back of the paper.

- Make sure you have applied enough adhesive at the back of the wallpaper.

- Follow the booking time that manufacturers give before pasting.

- Clean up the excess paste from the table before pasting your next sheet.

Paste the Wall:

Modern wallpapers are made with non-woven substrates. These non-woven materials are a mixture of natural and synthetic fibres which ensure you remain stable when wet. You can install the non-woven wallpaper directly on the wall. Moreover, the moisture in the adhesive can’t cause the wallpaper to expand and swell.

You can install the self-adhesive wallpapers with yourself. It is a DIY project that you can complete with little or no experience. In this, you don’t have to need sprawling tables for applying the paste on the walls. The big advantage of the wallpaper is that it will ease your work, and you can save time with this quick and effective option. Apart from it, they are washable, durable, and forgiving to work with. An excess paste can be washed easily from the paper without the fear of discolouring and staining the paper.

Hanging Tips

- Use a 3/8-inch roller to add covers to the adhesive on the wall.

- Work on one section at a time.

Which method is best for your home? 

You can choose between the paste the paper v/s paste the wall option with the quick check of hanging instruction for your home. The wallpaper sheet provides the instruction, including the necessary preparation for work, installation method, and recommended adhesive.

If the wallpaper sheets make no recommendation, it is safer to opt to paste the wallpaper. Get the best deals in Moroccan wallpaper at https://www.burkedecor.com/products/moroccan-tile-peel-and-stick-wallpaper-in-neutrals-and-greys-by-nextwall

Covering up

This article contains information regarding the Moroccan wallpaper. You can choose perfect from paste the wall and paste the paper for your home by reading the above content.

Burke Decor
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