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An Ophthalmoscope Is a Medical Device That Is Used For Diagnosing the Rear Side of The Eye, The Fundus

An Ophthalmoscope Is a Medical Device That Is Used For Diagnosing the Rear Side of The Eye, The Fundus

Advanced product development has resulted from technological developments in the realm of disease diagnosis. New ophthalmoscopes are being developed by major manufacturers to meet an unmet need in ocular diagnostic techniques. Over the forecast period, the market is expected to rise due to an increase in product launches by key players. In Japan, for example, Nidek Co. Ltd introduced the Mirante Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope in 2019. It's a multimodal fundus imaging platform that combines a high-definition scanning laser ophthalmoscope with optical coherence tomography. Furthermore, new product introductions are projected to drive the worldwide ophthalmoscope market.

The disease has spread to over 100 nations and has been labelled a public health emergency by the World Health Organization.

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