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Tips for Podcasters to Sound Better @voyzapp

Tips for Podcasters to Sound Better @voyzapp

Podcasts are popular these days, which you already know. If you have strong subject knowledge or love to talk about something then you can create a podcast easily. However, it is the quality of the podcast in terms of audio and presentation, in addition to the subject matter, that gets the audience to tune in and glued to the podcast. Gone are those days when production, distribution, and everything else about podcasts used to be difficult. With advancements in modern technology, the rise of multiple distribution platforms, and exponentiated people’s interest, it has become very easy today. With the ease of creating podcasts competition and expectations, both, are very high. Earlier it was like ‘it is what it is for audio quality, but now the audience is not so forgiving. They straightaway bash you for bad quality audio or any lacking in presentation while switching to something else. There is a lot that goes into podcasting, it's like a puzzle and you have to have all the pieces in the right places. From your podcast recording setup to your style of talking, everything must fall perfectly to produce a great quality recording. As there are many aspects of how can you sound great in your podcast, Voyzapp – the most qualitative voice-over agency, has penned down some important things here to consider. By working on these factors, you can certainly improve the quality of your podcast recordings and engage more listeners.

Things to Consider about Yourself

Try Recording while Standing Up – While it may sound a bit odd but standing and recording, help a lot to improve the quality, especially when recording alone. Standing up allows you to take long breaths more easily and makes speaking longer phrases more comfortable. Additionally, it also improves your pronunciation quality and instills more clarity in your words. Also, it enables you to have more body movements allowing you to clearly emphasize particular emotions and expressions. It might feel a bit uncomfortable in beginning, it will enhance the quality of your recording.

Pace Yourself, Control the Nerves – There is a very high chance that while talking about something that you love or that interests you a lot, your excitement can get the better of you. You might want to say the next thing as soon as possible, but you need to control your nerves. Hurling out information on the listeners is going to get them confused and might drive them away. You need to have a deliberate and controlled pace while speaking, just professional voice-over actors. It also involves occasional pauses and breathing spaces. You need to let the last thing you said sink in and then move to the next one.

Choose Your Environment Wisely – It is very crucial to have a good recording space. You don’t need to invest in building up a studio, a not-so-small and quiet room would do the trick. You need to stay away from the walls and windows. Hard flat surfaces reflect sound just like mirrors reflect light, it might not be audible to you but it sure gets in the recording. Be cautious about the background noise, from the whirring of your computer fan to AC or ceiling fan anything can be easily picked up by your mic. Editing those out is an arduous job.

Technical Things to Consider  

Managing the Recording Session – When you are running solo, all you get to worry about is the proper functioning of your equipment – mic, pop-shield, etc. However, if you have a co-host or a guest, you need to ensure the proper functioning of their equipment at their end also. A wise piece of advice would be not to get all shy if you need to fix something in your setup of theirs. Editing a pause is way more easier than editing poorly recorded audio in post-production.

Online Call & Remote Interview Sessions – Audio quality is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to online or remote recording sessions. However, with the emergence of Double Ender recording tools (details further), you can easily combat this problem. Before you start your actual recording session, you need to prep your guests or interviewees. Don’t be shy to ask them about their equipment and lend out help if needed to configure or fix their mic or anything else. Also, you should ensure that their environment while recording is suitable for the session. You can even create your very own ‘how to be a great interviewee guide’ and send it out to the person you are going to be interviewing beforehand. 

Use Double Enders, if Possible – A Double Ender is a tool that allows podcasters to overcome the audio quality challenge caused due to internet connection speed and other factors. It allows the users to record on their own software independently. This helps to avoid connection issues or computer issues to affect the quality of the recording. Later, the recordings are sent to the person who mixes the audio to sync it in order and create an episode. It is more like how it's done in the voice-overs, especially with a professional explainer video voice recording. However, it is a bit dodgy as only a few of the people you are interviewing would have a recording software or technical knowledge about it. Unfortunately, not many people can be taught to use it in a short span. Using a Double Ender is recommended only when all the parties to a session have the technical knowledge about using it.

Well, apart from these factors, you also need to work on how your podcast or each episode is presented to the listeners. You need to have some great intros – outros, recaps, precaps, etc. to create more excitement about the episode. You can always take the help of a professional podcast voice-over artist to record these for you. Using a professional, helps to sound more authentic and credible. It also grabs audiences’ attention, gets them intrigued about the episode, and creates more engagement. If you are a company that is looking to launch your own podcast, the best move would be to get a professional podcast voice artist. If you need further assistance with voice-overs or in finding great podcast voice professionals, do not hesitate to contact Voyzapp. 

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