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About Telephone Technicians

Harsh Agarwal
About Telephone Technicians

About Telephone Technicians

Telephone Technicians is owned and operated by Project Telecoms. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of service, enabling the success of your business.

The communications cabling and equipment in your office are crucial to your operations and must be installed in accordance with the ACMA industry standards to comply with the network and secure signal quality and reliability.

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You will need to choose the right products for your needs, and make sure they can be developed and expanded as your business grows.

But most importantly, you need the right people to support you. That's where we come in. We can provide data cabling that runs reliable gigabit speeds and beyond across your local IP network, telephone systems that are fully featured and capable of growing and adapting to your requirements,

and phone plans that will make significant reductions on your monthly bill.

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Our focused customer service experience ensures the best support no matter what your needs may be.

We give extended warranties on our hardware and promise a quality guarantee on all our services.

We also offer some of the most competitive business phone line rates you can find without leaving the Telstra network too.

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Harsh Agarwal
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