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Organic Coffee Powder - ZenDog Original Blend

Organic Coffee Powder - ZenDog Original Blend

For all coffee lovers, this bag will be your holy grail. We have a secret blend of Arabica and Robusta that is all you will ever need to wake up, feel happy and get going. This coffee bag is filled with the goodness of nature - literally the nectar of the Gods. Our coffee is slow roasted and ground the old school way.

ZenDog Coffee is

100% organic - including water and pest control

Grown alongside natural forest cover and vanilla

Grown in an IMO Certified farm

Single-origin coffee


- We believe in the 1:14 ratio. First, breathe in the aroma of the fresh coffee.

- Gently take about 14gms or 2 tablespoons of coffee and let it fall in your brew pot. - Bring 200 ml (196 ml, to be precise) of water to near boil.

- Add the water in a circular fashion, drenching the coffee. You should get a whiff of what heaven might smell like.

- Set a timer to brew for 4 minutes. Pour it out into your favorite mug and let it rest for 3 minutes.

- Take the first sip with your eyes closed.

Zen Dog Coffee is 100% organic coffee that gives a little something back to our furry friends in need.

Organic Coffee Powder - ZenDog Original Blend · 100% organic - including water and pest control 

PS: This is what we like but feel free to get off the leash and experiment.

To know more: https://www.zendogcoffee.com/products/buy-best-pure-organic-coffee-powder-online-india

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