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Most common Value-added services offered by logistics Companies

Blue Bell Shipping
Most common Value-added services offered by logistics Companies

Over the years the role of logistics management has undergone a shift due to the advancement of technology and globalization. At the same, several other factors have increased the complexity of logistics management. Value-Added Services are also called premium services. Consumer behavior is evolving and this has impacted the logistic industry. As people want things when they want them. Preferences of consumers have become more personalized so the retailers are asking their suppliers and logistics providers to provide value-added services. Value-added service is defined as a service adding an extra feature, functions to the basic service. This trend is resulting in a new wave that retail vendors and their logistics providers must be capable of providing. This helps to build a relationship with the customers positively and is also known as a service enhancement. 


Many factors such as price, delivery speed can be taken into account when you looking for logistics services for any operation. If a logistic company has to stand out from the competition, the range of value added services is what will increase your company's visibility. This is an essential tool for customer satisfaction. When the logistic company adds value in the right way, this shows how they can understand the needs of the customer. If you do not understand the need of the customer, then they're no use of adding any additional services.


Companies are looking for competitive advantages that they can offer their clients to meet needs efficiently. This saves time, space, and money as well by keeping the inventory low and also adapting to the ever-changing customer behavior. These value-added services contribute to quality control through activities like labeling, packaging, etc. that can be incorporated at the time of pick-up at the warehouse and before they are distributed to the markets. The following are some value-added services offered by logistics companies to their customers:


·        Customization: Personalization is a new trend in today’s era. Modifying the final product according to customers' needs and specifications. You can also modify some of the products by adding additional packaging which is delicate, thus helps in getting rid of obsolete stock.


·        Kitting: It is carried when you want two or more products to be packed together according to the characteristics specified by the client. This may include adding promotional items, sample products, etc. to the current product. When you want to customize the kit, individual parts are stored in the warehouse, and then the third-party logistic picks it up, packs it according to customer needs.


·        Reduce the number of suppliers: You can ask your existing partners to perform more functions, as it will reduce the suppliers. This will also streamline your supply chain. 


·        Labeling: It makes a big impression on your items or packaging. Besides placing the mandatory stickers like brand labels, barcodes or customized items. It can be applied to individual pieces or boxes.


·        Replacement and Reverse Logistics: Some logistics companies let customers make any kind of modification at any phase of the supply chain. Another most common value-added service is return management which is managing customers' refunds, recovering and managing excess inventory.


Blue Bell Shipping was established in 1987 and offers diverse logistics services under one roof with quality and value to our customers. At the same time, our strong network of overseas partners makes it possible for us to have a worldwide presence thus providing vas logistics solutions across the globe.

Blue Bell Shipping
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