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START YOUR CAREER WITH US - School of International Education [DPS Faridabad]

Vikas Puri
START YOUR CAREER WITH US - School of International Education [DPS Faridabad]

Start your Career with us in School of International Education [DPS Faridabad]

In DPS where the learners are provided ample opportunities to discover and explore their true potential and refine their aptitude. The teaching- learning process is child centric and progressive in nature. The happiness and the overall safety of the child entering its portals are paramount.

The whole idea is not just to make an individual literate, but to provide comprehensive education for life, by giving equal weightage to curricular, co-curricular as well as extra -curricular activities. The approach to learning is collaborative in nature. Activities and lessons are planned in a way that learning continues beyond the defined curriculum.

The inherent pillars of strength for the School are all the stakeholders. Teachers are regularly provided training, in order to upgrade them professionally and also to provide awareness about the latest developments and reforms in this field. The School always invites and honors the feedback of the parent fraternity and all kinds of innovations and amendments are undertaken after due consultation and brainstorming with them.

The School is a living embodiment of values. It exercises zero tolerance towards any inappropriate behavior or action.

Since we believe that change is the only constant in this world, the School exercises a dynamic outlook and all changes are implemented keeping the evolving society in mind while at the same time retaining the National culture.


Vikas Puri
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