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Health and Safety Management System Audit Checklist

Health and Safety Management System Audit Checklist

Periodic workforce health and safety audits are conducted as an effective way of identifying workplace hazards. An ongoing process that needs to be undertaken periodically, these workplace health and safety management system audit checklist are used to rate a company’s health and safety program, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and highlight areas that need improvements.

Review the safe work systems that have been established to conclude whether they meet both compliance and legislative requirements.

The safety and well-being of employees are the biggest issues employers are facing today. One of the ways employers and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) monitor the safety of the workforce is through “Audits”. Workplace health and safety (WHS) audits assess a workplace and identify any prevalent hazards in the organization that may put employees at risk.

To strengthen the safety culture and improve employee performance through accessible reporting and effective management, ComplianceQuest has prepared a comprehensive checklist. Having an audit checklist will assist organizations in their health & safety journey. This checklist can be used as a situational analysis tool for organizations implementing health & safety practices for the first time or as a performance indicator by organizations already following them. This virtual health and safety checklist aims to provide:

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