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Eye Shadow Mistakes that You Have Been Making

Beauty Bliss
Eye Shadow Mistakes that You Have Been Making

Accomplishing perfect application of an eye shadow is a matter of achievement. While the makeup skills play an important role in ensuring that the shadow compliments your looks, the quality of products used are also pivotal. Beauty Bliss a leading beauty store presents its all new HD PRO Primer Eyeshadow Stick which ensures quick and smooth shading on your eyes. This high quality product works on creating various dramatic eye look to suit different occasions.

Playing with eye colours is great fun. Foundations, concealers or lipsticks, nothing competes the fun of applying eye shadows that blends and creates a distinct look to eyes. HD PRO Primer Eyeshadow Stick by Beauty Bliss is a must to be added on to your make up kit to see how interesting eye shadow application can be. But as a matter of fact, many of us fail to create the look that we see on makeup tutorials without knowing the eye shadow mistakes that we have been committing. 

If you are struggling to reach perfect in your shadow application, you must watch out for the below listed shadow mistakes that must have been hindering in getting that flawless finished look. Read on:

· Not being familiar with eye shape: As one of the primary reasons, your eye shadow might not be coming up as expected because it fails to compliment your eye shape. Knowing the eye formation and going ahead with a liner application accordingly will help you gain the look that you wish to create.

· Avoiding eye primer: To say in the least, an eye primer help in setting the foundation of your eye make-up. Primers help in longer stay of shadows and keeps it from falling on your face. HD PRO Primer Eyeshadow Stick in combination with a primer potion with suitable formula should be your choice.

· Basing eyeshadow with foundation: While everyone suggests a unique eye shadow approach, but for those who deal with heavy pigments, applying a dark eyeshadow is prone to fallout which means you should apply it before the makeup base.

· Applying on dry eyes: It is important to moisturise your eyes in case they look dry so that the eye shadow does not flake, looks uneven or patchy. Keep the skin around the eyes hydrated all the time and do invest in a good eye cream.

· Wrong brush: Throw away that cheap plastic sponge applicator because it does not do well in blending shadows. Investing in a set of eyeshadow brushes will render more care to your eye makeup. Use a flat brush to apply shadows evenly across the eyelid.

· Doing too much: It is very easy to go overboard while applying the shadows and not knowing how much is enough. Always dab a little bit and give your brush a tap and a shake to shed off excess powder. Go ahead by blending colour bit by bit and decide if you want to add more to achieve your look.

Check out HD PRO Primer Eyeshadow Stick offered by Beauty Bliss at https://beautybliss.co.ke/

Beauty Bliss
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