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Affordable Food Franchise Business Opportunity in India- ChaatPuchka

Chaat Puchka Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Affordable Food Franchise Business Opportunity in India- ChaatPuchka

Chaat Puchka is one of the Fast growing food franchise Company. Its Main focus is on serving affordable food franchise Services in pan India.

Chaat Puchka is one of the fastest-growing food brand in the quick service, fine-dining & takeaway segment of the restaurant industry. Our goal is to offer delicious recipes, top-notch business FOFO(Non Refundable) models and to assist young entrepreneurs who are looking to start food business. We are consistently researching to develop unique combination franchise models that can be established effectively in tier1, 2 and 3 cities across the nation. We are always looking for enthusiastic and dynamic individuals to join our Chaat Puchka franchise family.

Since our inception, we have established 70+ franchise outlets throughout India and we feel proud to serve the community around us in the coming future too. The food and beverage industry is always profitable if you are working on sustainable business models that can be customized as per modern-day demands thus we not only focus on rich quality service but also invest in research & development to be No.1 brand.

Standard procedure: We at Chaat Puchka never comprise with quality, our mission clearly defines that we are in the industry to create values and to develop standard procedure.

Services: Inexperience individuals who always want to start own food franchise store drop their idea as their background isn’t food industry. Chaat Puchka is always ready to help those individuals in every aspect of store set up.

Effective Menu: India is a young consumer marketplace, people between age group 20 to 35 spend huge amount on foods available outside home. Our menu is developed as per latest trends that definitely impress customers.

Marketing support: We’ve experienced team of experts in marketing. We create a marketing plan for franchise store to engage with local customers.

For Franchise Call: 09755016498, 8770297781

Website: www.chaatpuchka.net

Chaat Puchka Foods Pvt. Ltd.
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