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Gallbladder Cancer - India's Major Health Problem - Cancer Surgery Clinic

Cancer Surgery Clinic
Gallbladder Cancer - India's Major Health Problem - Cancer Surgery Clinic

Gallbladder cancer is India's major health problem. Cancer Surgery Clinic offers advanced gallbladder cancer surgery in Mumbai with world-class facilities and expert doctors. With Cancer Surgery Clinic taking care of the treatment, you will have trustworthy doctors and surgeons with a clear track record of their services. You can get in touch with a gallbladder cancer specialist in Mumbai with Cancer Surgery Clinic and we’ll make all the preparation for your treatment.

With changing lifestyles, improved longevity, and better control of infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases have emerged as major health problems worldwide, more so in developing countries. After cardiovascular diseases, cancer has emerged as an important cause of morbidity and mortality in India.

As research continues to examine the factors leading to gallbladder cancer it is worthwhile to stay aware of the symptoms of gallbladder cancer, which might not be much different from chronic cholecystitis in the beginning. Symptomatic gallstones should not be ignored. It is advisable that all cholecystectomy specimens should be opened and sent for a histopathological examination so as not to miss out on early gallbladder cancer.

Surgery for gallbladder cancer entails removal of the gallbladder along with a portion of the liver and meticulous lymph node dissection (Radical Cholecystectomy). Gallbladder cancer diagnosed after laparoscopic cholecystectomy termed as ‘incidental GBC’ may require additional surgery and an opinion from a surgical oncologist experienced in the management of gallbladder cancer is advisable.

Cancer Surgery Clinic
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