MOODY AIR FORCE BASE — Having been open for less then a year and a half, 5 Star Nutrition has grown its customer base and is starting to look to its future in the city.
5 Star Nutrition provides personalized guidance to its customers and sells supplements, said Kintura Kyle, general manager We give you guys recommendations on what supplements you should be using, or can use, specific to the fitness goals that you have,” Kyle said To further help its customers beyond making supplement sales, Kyle said 5 Star Nutrition helps its customers build meal plans and uses technology to calculate a customer's metabolism, fat, water weight and muscle mass.
He said the information gives him and his staff a “blueprint of what we are looking at — a big overview of what your body is like right now.” The information is also used to help customers track the progress they are making One of the features setting 5 Star Nutrition apart is its staff, Kyle said. Most of the employees are in good shape and practice what is preached at the store. Almost every employee in the company has a personal training degree, coaching experience or some sort of education or background in the fitness world that gives the staff an education to back their interactions with customers
“A lot of us are highly invested into our customers because it is something we live by,” he said When 5 Star Nutrition first came to Valdosta, Kyle was part of the team that started the store. So, he has been working with the airmen in Valdosta since the first day the store opened. He has the experience of working with members of the military on a daily basis while not being a member of the military.
“A lot of the airmen are appreciative of what we are doing and what we offer,” Kyle said. “It’s something different. It has a different feel when you walk inside the store, and you get undivided attention from both of us — me and my associate. We talk to all of our customers and get to know them on a personal level.”
Kyle said he likes getting to know his customers on a personal level so he can better understand what they need and how to best help them achieve their goals when it comes to fitness routines, meal plans and supplements A positive and negative of being on a military base is the deployment cycle A lot of our airmen kind of switch out every six months or so,” he said. “It’s a good and a bad thing. We get some new faces, and sometimes we see the same people for the course of six months."
While being located on the military base can at times be a hindrance to sales from the civilian population, Kyle said visits gyms throughout the city, health fairs, Wild Adventures Theme Park and martial arts studios to meet civilians We go into different locations and show face in different places, so we definitely serve people outside the military base,” he said.
Kyle said customers can also order product online or by phone. He and his staff are willing to meet with customers off base and deliver supplements and recommendations in person.
Blending military and civilian customers allows the company to create an environment where the two worlds come together for fitness. The 5 Star Nutrition Weight Loss Challenge includes both worlds, Kyle saiNul A lot of civilians and airmen really enjoyed doing that,” Kyle said Approximately 8,000 people participated in the challenge across the nation, and two of the participants from Moody AFB won, Kyle said. Both winners are female.
For out of 8,000 people across the board, that is a really good thing for our store to kind of be in the limelight of success for that challenge,” he said Looking forward, Kyle said one of his goals is to open a store off base to better serve the civilian population. Kyle already has a few plans in mind for the store he wants to open in the future I have no doubts that this store is going to be one of the most impressive and extravagant stores in Valdosta because of the services that we offer,” he said Kyle said there is no timeline to open a new store in Valdosta and those decisions will be made by upper management team members of 5 Star Nutrition you are try click here