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Give attention to Child diabetes Care

Give attention to Child diabetes Care

Even though it can be managed with medicine, insulin, or healthy lifestyle changes, child diabetes is a dangerous disease.  There are so many different side-effects to child diabetes that child diabetes care is very important to every diabetic person out there who has to live with this disease each and every day.

Special Child diabetes Care – To begin with it is extremely important that a person who is diabetic monitor their blood glucose levels on a regular basis.  This usually means several times throughout the day.  Usually, the best times to monitor your levels are at mealtimes and before bedtime at night.  By keeping an accurate account of your blood glucose levels, you will be able to narrow down what works best for you and what does not and you will be able to keep your blood glucose levels at a healthy level.  Normally the scale is 80 to 120.  If your levels are higher than this, depending upon what type of child diabetes you have, you may need to take insulin to lower your levels.  If your blood glucose level is below 80, you will need to eat a carbohydrate and a protein to ensure that your levels will rise (caused by the carbohydrate) and stay there (caused by the protein).  If you find that your blood glucose levels fluctuate out of control, you may need to change your diet or your medication, or even your insulin scale.  This is why monitoring your blood glucose levels on a regular basis is extremely important.

As a diabetic, you will want to get an annual eye exam.  Diabetic retinopathy is a serious condition that if not controlled can lead to blindness.  Usually a result of out-of-control blood glucose levels, diabetic retinopathy is where tiny blood vessels in the eye burst. If you tell your ophthalmologist that you're diabetic, they'll be able to preserve detailed records that you may refer to year after year to observe how your eyes have changed.

Circulation, especially in the extremities, is another serious problem in diabetics.  Making sure that you have good circulation to your legs and feet is extremely important.  There are special diabetic shoes and socks that can help aid you in this process.  Make sure that you keep a close eye on any sores that may develop on your feet.  Diabetics tend to heal slowly and these sores can lead to the amputation of toes, feet, and even your leg.

Kidney problems are another side effect of child diabetes and you really need to keep a close eye on this as well.  Later in life, you may require dialysis.  You can help to prevent all of these mentioned side effects by maintaining your blood glucose levels within the specified range and by eating healthy and continuing with an exercise program to the best of your abilities.

It is in your best interest to see an endocrinologist for Child diabetes treatment in Coimbatore on a frequent basis.  They can help to guide you through this process to ensure that you will lead a long, healthy life with as few side effects as possible.

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