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What is a blockchain bridge?

Sandy zakk
What is a blockchain bridge?

Blockchain bridges, also known as crosschain bridges, allow a user to use a crypto asset on two or more different blockchains.

For example, if you have BTC and want to use it in an Ethereum chain, you can do it via a bridge.

One of the big problems with blockchain was the inability to collaborate.

Certainly, as a single entity, each blockchain is somewhat fluid.

However, each blockchain is limited by the fact that each chain is independent and separate, which in most cases causes high transaction costs and congestion.

Blockchain bridges solve this problem by enabling token transfers, smart contracts, data exchanges, etc. between two independent platforms.

Each blockchain generates different coins and operates with different rules, and the bridge acts as a neutral zone, allowing users to switch between chains smoothly.

Having access to multiple blockchains over the same network will greatly improve the convenience of crypto assets for many.

This concept is very similar to’Layer 2', although the two systems have different purposes.

However, while’Layer 2'is built on top of the existing blockchain, it speeds up, but the problem of lack of interoperability remains.

How the blockchain bridge works

Blockchain Bridge Smart Contract Development Services can do many things, such as smart contracts and data transmission, but their most common use is token transfer.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are two large crypto asset networks, but their rules and protocols are very different.

Through the bridge, Bitcoin users can transfer their coins to Ethereum and do things with the Ethereum blockchain that they cannot do with the Bitcoin blockchain.

This includes purchasing various Ethereum tokens and paying fees.

If you have Bitcoin and try to transfer some of it to Ethereum, the bridge will hold the coin and Ethereum will be able to generate and use the same amount of new tokens.

What is interesting here is that there is no transfer of related crypto assets.

As mentioned earlier, if you want to move the BTC from Bitcoin to Ethereum, the BTC will be locked by the smart contract and a new token will be generated on Ethereum.

Then, when you want to move to Bitcoin again, the newly generated token will be burned to unlock the BTC that was locked by the smart contract.

Therefore, the assets cannot be used at the same time.

If you do this in a way other than bridging, you often have to go through verbose steps.

Convert BTC to ETH at the exchange, send it to the wallet, etc …

In this case, it may cost more than expected.

Consider, for example, using PayPay to pay for online shopping.

Transactions are quick and seamless, even on different systems and different protocols.

This is because interoperability has always maintained the financial system long before the advent of crypto assets.

As blockchain technology extends beyond crypto assets to a variety of disciplines, solutions like cross-chain bridges will also take a major step towards growth.

Trustbase vs Trustless

A potential drawback of blockchain bridges would be centralization.

If a user wants to convert a coin into another crypto asset, he or she will have to give up control of his or her coin,Cross chain bridge development which is basically in the hands of others.

Have you ever seen a rap token like wBTC?

This is to “wrap” BTC with ERC-20 contract and give it the function of Ethereum token.

Trust-based bridges are a fast and economical option for transferring large amounts of cryptography, but the number of trusted services is relatively small.

Stepping into lesser-known brand territories can increase risk and is often unattractive to traders.

The Trustless Bridge is intended to give users a sense of security when sending coins.

These solutions behave like a real blockchain, with individual networks validating transactions.

If you’re worried that your coins will fall into the wrong hands, you can use the Trustless Bridge to increase your peace of mind.

The problem with this bridge is that the service is freelance based.

They are paid for processing the user’s request, not for solving the problem, so they are responsible for the problem.

Types of blockchain bridges

Here are some bridges you can use to transfer crypto assets.

Binance Bridge

This decentralized bridge offers a very large number of crypto assets .

It also supports popular blockchains such as Ethereum, Solana and Tron.

If you don’t want to use the cBRIDGE

Binance Bridge, you can access this bridge directly from Binance.

You can use various blockchains and crypto assets like Trustless Bridge.

Also note that cBridge requires you to connect your wallet before you can do anything.


This platform has functions other than transferring crypto assets.

You can check the balance of various types of coins by connecting to the wallet.

You can also move your balance freely. However, transfer may be restricted depending on the blockchain.


Decentralization is a major element of the blockchain, which can be prioritized over other usability improvements such as scalability,Build a cross chain bridge or it can be reluctant to make major changes so that developers do not deviate from the decentralization philosophy.

It can be said that the blockchain bridge is a proof that it has grown beyond such various concepts and problems.

Sandy zakk
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