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Does your home have damaged, old sash and case windows?

Eco Sash & Case
Does your home have damaged, old sash and case windows?

In Scotland, if you live in a period home or a tenement flat you will likely be the owner of traditional sash and case windows. Beautiful as these windows are, many flats have never had them replaced so they can be around 100 years old with single glazing and damaged wood frames.

As they are often very large windows, people have not wanted the expense of replacing them and have just lived with draughty windows.

Now with the spiraling cost of heating our homes, we believe it is the ideal time to upgrade your old sash windows.

At Eco Sash & Case in Edinburgh, we find there are very few sash windows that we can't repair, refurbish or upgrade. We can even upgrade the old glazing to double glazing which will make a huge difference to the warmth of your home. Only in the very worst cases, would we suggest replacing your windows with new bespoke sash and case windows. We make them in our Edinburgh workshop using responsibly sourced timbers and traditional techniques. We handcraft all our windows to achieve a beautiful, durable finish.

Please do get in touch for a free quote or to find out more about our services. We have customers throughout Scotland and carry out lots of work in Edinburgh, throughout the Lothians and Fife.

Eco Sash & Case
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