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Best Homestay in Kodaikanal Candlelight Dinner in Kodaikanal

Best Homestay in Kodaikanal Candlelight Dinner in Kodaikanal

Candlelight Dinner in Kodaikanal

Thapovan offers the best candlelight dinner in Kodaikanal. Take exclusive dining to the ultimate level and celebrate a special occasion in the privacy of your villa on grilled chicken, prawn, paneer, and pineapple. Sip a sunset mocktail while our culinary team discreetly sets up your private barbecue. Thapovans candlelight dinner tailors the evening to celebrate a honeymoon, proposal, anniversary and birthday. You can also dine in aside from the campfire or the farm. Choose from a variety of menus to suit every preference. Enjoy a secluded and private dining experience with beautiful views framed by banana farms in your mountain view villa. Barbeques are served with the most incredible mountain views. Watch the banana and avocado and coffee sunset as you indulge in mountain-front BBQs, authentic south Indian cuisine food, and themed combos with elevated mountain views, coupled with masterfully mixed mocktails. Thapovans candlelight dinner is truly an exceptional experience.

Take exclusive dining to the ultimate level and celebrate a special occasion in the privacy of your villa on grilled chicken, prawn, paneer, and pineapple. Sip a sunset mocktail while our culinary team discreetly sets up your private barbecue. Tailor the evening to celebrate a honeymoon, proposal, anniversary, or birthday. You can also dine in aside from the campfire or the farm. Choose from a variety of menus to suit every preference. Enjoy a secluded and private dining experience with beautiful views framed by banana farms in your mountain view villa. Barbeques are served with the most incredible mountain views. Watch the banana and avocado and coffee sunset as you indulge in mountain-front BBQs, authentic south Indian cuisine food, and themed combos with elevated mountain views, coupled with masterfully mixed mocktails.

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