In a nutshell:
- Coaches face many roadblocks in their journey to help their clients.
- There are many coaching exercises designed to help coaches be more effective.
- We cover a few of these exercises like Mindfulness Retreat, Put a Label on It, The Outcome Tool, The Art of Deep Listening, Self Coaching Task, Your Habit Worksheet and Wheel of Life.
The term ‘conscious’ is increasingly being used in regard to leadership, coaching, businesses, capitalism, and pretty much everything these days. The idea of waking up, becoming conscious, and recognising that we need to modify our ways of thinking and being is very much in vogue.
The coaching process is based on increasing awareness and hence increasing choice, which leads to informed change. Thus, coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and
creative process to generate the best results. But this is often not easy. There are many roadblocks that a coach has to face in the due process. There are many coaching exercises designed to help the coach ease the life of their client. Let’s look at some of these coaching exercises and coaching tools.
Mindfulness Retreat
Mindfulness is an age-old method that has proven to be effective. Its origins can be traced back to Buddhist teachings from the historical Buddha (the name literally means “awakened one”), who lived more than 2,500 years ago in what is now Nepal.
Mindfulness is a technique that incorporates three aspects: purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgemental. So mindfulness is being fully present in the moment non-judgmentally. It is a capacity that enables people to focus on what they experience in the moment inside themselves as well as in the outer environment with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and care. There are many ways that one can practice mindfulness. This is one such exercise to help you out.