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Choose the Best Ergonomic Chair & Maintain Spine Health with Good Sitting Posture

Rohit Srivastava

Whether working in a traditional office setup or at home, you deserve the best ergonomic chair to keep you comfortable and maintain good posture. A typical office worker spends a great deal of time sitting in a chair and in a position that stresses their spine structure. 

A wrong chair could increase your chances of developing back problems and poor posture. It could negatively impact your overall health, appearance, and well-being. 

Here are some tips to help you choose the right ergonomic chair for optimum spine health.


What Makes for an Ideal Ergonomic Chair?


No one type of ergonomic chair will suit all users, but there are some factors you can consider so as to ensure that it’s good for you. These factors will allow you to make the seating suitable for your specific needs.

An ergonomic chair should ideally have the following features:

·    Adjustable seat height – Look for a pneumatic adjustment lever that lets you set the seat height between 16 and 21 inches from the floor. This range is ideal for most people, and it ensures your feet are flat on the floor, with arms even with the desk’s height and thighs horizontal.

·    Adjustable seat depth and width – Make sure there’s enough depth and width to support your body comfortably. The standard usually is 17 to 20 inches wide. Likewise, the backward or forward tilt of the seat must be adjustable.

·    Backrest – An ideal ergonomic chair has a backrest that is about 12 to 19 inches wide. It must be separated from the seat, adjustable in angle and weight, and capable of supporting the natural curve of your spine.

·    Lumbar support – An ergonomic chair must support your lower back. The height and depth of the lumbar adjustment must suit your lower back’s inward curve.

·    Seat material – The chair must have sufficient padding made of breathable cloth fabric for comfort.

·    Swivel and armrests – Ergonomic chairs must rotate 360 degrees to allow you to reach different areas of your desk. The armrests must be adjustable to allow your elbows and arms to rest without straining.


Where to Buy the Best Ergonomic Chair?


Search for the best ergonomic chair from a high-end provider of office furniture. It will be a worthy investment that can save your spine from any injury or pain and improve your health and productivity down the line.


About the Company

Herman Miller is a globally recognized leader in design. Since its inception in 1905, the company’s innovative, problem-solving designs & furnishings have inspired the best in people wherever they live, work, learn, heal, and play. Guided by a shared purpose — design for the good of humankind — Herman Miller helps shape places that matter to customers while contributing to an equitable and sustainable future for all. 

Rohit Srivastava
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