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InstallOnAir.com App Distribution

Install on Air
InstallOnAir.com  App Distribution

InstallOnAir.com is the fastest and easiest way to distribute your apps for testing and feedback for both Android & iOS in a single place.

A platform that helps both mobile app developers and owners to easily share their apps with everyone to get feedback before reaching publicly to Google and App stores.

InstallOnAir allows you to create a single public install link to be shared with anyone for testing and feedback. And a mobile application to install the releases from and collect feedback for internal testers.


InstallOnAir.com is the fastest and easiest way to distribute your apps for testing and feedback for both Android & iOS in a single place.

A platform that helps both mobile app developers and owners to easily share their apps with everyone to get feedback before reaching publicly to Google and App stores.

InstallOnAir allows you to create a single public install link to be shared with anyone for testing and feedback. And a mobile application to install the releases from and collect feedback for internal testers.


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Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Web: https://www.installonair.com

Install on Air
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