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Turn your ideas into custom neon signs

Turn your ideas into custom neon signs

Use the online configurator to create your own custom text neon sign. You can turn your ideas into a custom LED neon sign. We created a tool for you to have a live preview of the neon you can get. Play with the fonts, colors, and dimensions to have a precise mock-up before you place your order.

Do you want a 100% custom experience? Fill out a customs form and get in touch with our team of designers. We'll send you a quote and an offer within 24 hours.

Do you prefer a smooth shopping experience? Have a look at our Collections. From Street Art to Kanji and Hype neon signs. You'll find the custom neon sign that will make your wall so bright!

MK Neon: Your Source for LED Neon Signs

Welcome to MK Neon, your one-stop shop for high-quality custom LED neon signs. With years of experience crafting one-of-a-kind neon signs for different industries, we’re the go-to professionals when it comes to making a custom sign for your business, home, or event. Since 2015, we’ve been creating all kinds of neon signs, and we’d be happy to lend our professional help in choosing the right sign to match your decor and personality. We’re proud to have been trusted by high-profile clients such as Sephora, Neiman Marcus, Dior, Converse, Guerlain, and more.

Neon Signs for Your Business

Are you looking to add a splash of color to your office walls? Look no further. We can create a custom LED neon sign for any type of business. The sky’s the limit on what you can produce. We can make a custom sign of your company logo, your corporate tagline, recreate your product in neon, or a motivational quote to hang in your meeting room. Need some more inspiration to spruce up your office? We’ve got some ideas you might like.

Neon Signs for Your Wedding

Neon signs have become a fun and trendy addition to any wedding. If you’re looking to add a neon sign to your wedding festivities, we can help you find the perfect one. There are tons of great ways you can use a neon sign at a wedding. Create a custom sign of your last name, one of both your names or initials, a meaningful romantic quote, or even a fun image that encourages guests to get the party started! Looking for more ideas? Check out our suggestions for the best neon signs for a wedding. Whatever you choose, MK Neon will be able to produce the custom LED sign of your dreams that will help add a bright and personal touch to your most special day.

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