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Food Industries in Mysore | Food Processing & Manufacturing in Mysore

Food Industries in Mysore | Food Processing & Manufacturing in Mysore

Kushal foods is the food industries in Mysore having started their operations under a partnership company. Company to expand the business, hitherto catered by the trading company, into manufacturing and processing of dish ingredients additionally to procurement and distribution.

The company expanded into new horizon from simple manufacturing to Contract manufacturing by fixing plants across India. The company achieved an exponential growth and today it stands from three units across India.

Kushal foods was the largest Snack Food industries in Mysore. The company has supplied materials to various manufacturing brands like, Kurkure, Chotu motu noodles, Dinga noodles, Shriki chips. Presently the company is developing Industrial Park and promoting Kushal foods industries in Mysore District of Karnataka.

Kushal foods is one of India’s fastest growing Food manufacturing companies in Mysore. Kushal foods provide multi-channel distribution and brand development services for brands in grocery stores, modern trade, pharmacy, departmental stores.

Kushal foods Food manufacturing companies in Mysore excel at distributing and building retail brands representing a wide range of premium brands and international companies in India delivering a focused strategic approach to our partners business.

To exceed the expectations of our clients and to form partnerships with them. To set the quality in brand distribution and development through continuous improvement and investment in quality service infrastructure. To deliver exceptional value and repair. To be innovative and to think future in strategy and planning for our brands future.

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