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A Beginner's Guide To Off-Roading: How To Get Started

A Beginner's Guide To Off-Roading: How To Get Started

Off-roading is a blanket term given to the various activities that take place in rougher terrain. That's the most basic definition of off-road, but for this guide, it might offend some people. There are those who believe the term should only be used when it refers to an off-roader with both front and rear axles that are locked and at least one wheel up in the air. Some folks believe it's only off-roading when the driver is on the verge of screwing up badly - with video evidence that will most likely end up in a YouTube fails compilation.

Off-roading also includes technical off-road driving on a closed trail, cross-country driving, dune driving, mudding, rock crawling, or simply driving down an unpaved road, otherwise known as green-laning in the UK. Casual off-roading can also include such activities as taking on nature trails or harsher terrain that includes rocks and water, such as riverbeds, or even snow. We include this in the definition because this is a form of off-road driving that has increased its following substantially. Thanks to the increase in popularity of the crossover and SUV segment in the USA, more people are buying vehicles that are capable of off-roading, and thus they are exploring what their cars can do.

Although this is an activity that can be pursued in a professional capacity - and has given rise to different types of off-road racing, even - wanting some mild adventure doesn't require a specially modified off-road vehicle, experienced drivers wearing helmets, or even having taken special classes (although this is highly recommended and loads of fun), but it does mean you should at least do some homework before attempting it. You can't simply watch a YouTube clip and then go off-roading. You do need to have some idea of what your car can do, how you can prevent getting stuck, and how to tackle adventure responsibly. Our off-roading tips for beginners will help you find the balance between confident and cocky.

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