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Knee Pain Can Be Caused By Your Sitting Posture

Gupta Orthopaedic Clinic & Sports Injury Centre

Why does your sitting posture cause knee pain? A terrible lifestyle is also a key cause of this condition in women who previously did not have it, and some women have also reported of higher knee discomfort than before, making it difficult for them to complete basic duties such as walking or even climbing stairs.

Arthritis is a major source of knee pain, and our sitting position contributes to this to a large extent. Even minor changes in our daily routine might create knee discomfort.

According to Dr. Ravindra Gupta, an orthopaedic surgeon in Indore, sit in a squat position or by bending our knees in our Indian culture. Whether you're sitting to worship, have family dinners, complete daily routine jobs, or converse with someone, all of these activities demand you to bend your knees when sitting. We even have to sit on bended knees in our Indian traditional toilet.

This way of sitting has been our habit, and as a result, many people like to bend their knees while sitting in a chair or on a bed, putting a lot of pressure on our knee joints and increasing our risks of knee joint problems as we become older.

Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a poor diet, lack of sun exposure, and vitamin D deficiency are just a few of the additional causes of arthritis. This condition may obstruct your daily activities at first, but it progresses to the point of impairment in later stages.

Dr. Ravindra Gupta went on to say that in our country, many women begin to have knee difficulties in their 40s, although for males it is much later, and about 90% of women have a Vitamin D deficit, which is critical for bone metabolism regulation. Knee arthritis is diagnosed when you experience significant pain, joint stiffness, or crackling noises from your knee joints. If you have this problem, you should change your sitting posture because arthritis will make it worse.

Contact the best orthopaedic doctor in Indore at Gupta Orthopaedic Clinic & Sports Injury Centre.

Gupta Orthopaedic Clinic & Sports Injury Centre
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