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Basketry - 2323 Designs

Basketry - 2323 Designs

23:23 Designs is associated with various clusters of Basketry Pan India.


The Natural Fibers we work with 12 natural fibers in various techniques o basketry and weaving , These are


Bamboo, Sabai Grass, Banana Fiber, Kauna Grass, Rattan, Willow Wicker, Moonj, Sital Pati, Water Hyacinth, Madur, Screw Pine , Palm Leaf and much more….Interestingly we also support Artisan groups using basketry techniques in Paper and Recycled Plastics. Contact us at info@2323designs.in for Corporate and Customized Orders.


These handcrafted home decor items can create a cozy & sustainable corner in your homes. Each piece is an antique showpiece for home decor.


Basketry, art and craft of making interwoven & Interlaced objects, usually containers, from flexible vegetable fibres, such as twigs, grasses, osiers, bamboo, and rushes, or from plastic or other synthetic materials. The containers made by this method are called baskets, and can be designed with decorative motifs of any other art form – geometrics or organic forms.




Materials are chosen with a view toward achieving certain aesthetic goals; conversely, these aesthetic goals are limited by the materials available to the basket maker. The effects most commonly sought in a finished product are delicacy and regularity of the threads; a smooth, glossy surface or a dull, rough surface; and colour, whether natural or dyed. Striking effects can be achieved from the contrast between threads that are light and dark, broad and narrow, dull and shiny—contrasts that complement either the regularity or the decorative motifs obtained by the intricate work of plaiting.


Coiled construction


The distinctive feature of this type of basketry is its foundation, which is made up of a single element, or standard, that is wound in a continuous spiral around itself. The coils are kept in place by the thread, the work being done stitch by stitch and coil by coil. Variations within this type are defined by the method of sewing, as well as by the nature of the coil, which largely determines the type of stitch.

To know more: https://2323designs.in/blogs/craft/basketry

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