I am going to focus on the history of how we get our email addresses now, because it is a perfect example of how we are misusing the web.
Briefly, there was an era when you could use your name and address instead of an email address to sign-up for websites. People used their names and addresses like this because they wanted to protect their privacy – I mean, we still do it today.
Do you need a disposable email address?
The problem with this practice is that the web is inherently anonymous by design. It would be impossible to see your name and address online, so that’s why it’s so often done with disposable email addresses. When you create a Gmail account, you are given one (or more!) temp email addresses to choose from. To prevent people from using your real email address, you create a new one for every site you want to log into (you can sign-out of each site at any time).
Emails come in with an expiration date and then disappear forever – except for a single one which will always remain valid forever (and will still be able to participate in competitions!). The reason that this works so well is that nobody needs to “know” anything about you – if they don’t know who you are they can’t use your real email address anyway (because they have nothing against doing business with people who have no idea who they are). This is why we all use disposable emails.
Is it safe to use such service?
So what happened? We started creating “secure” email addresses instead of disposable ones, thinking that if people need secure ones they must also need passwords! But the issue here isn’t the security; it’s that people don't need passwords anymore and this means there's no longer any reason for them to use them when logging into websites – but only disposable ones! So what does this mean?
People started using more disposable emails than secure ones because maybe last year or two years ago somebody told them about using disposable emails (which happens all the time) but nobody told them how! They didn't know how secure/anonymous/anonymous was supposed to work! So here's the thing: either it works exactly as advertised or not at all! If it doesn't work at all then now you have a whole lot of unhappy people whose lives are ruined and whose security wasn't compromised at all; if it does work then congratulations!