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SAP HANA vs SAP S/4 HANA – Core Differences You Should Know!

Manohar Parakh
SAP HANA vs SAP S/4 HANA – Core Differences You Should Know!

Full-stack development revolves around two major things, front-end and backend. The front-end part deals with application development, whereas the backend refers to database creation.


Companies majorly need an application and a database to automate the task in the organization. The most used application used for maintaining workflow transparency is an ERP system. Enterprise Resource Planning deals with the process of planning and management in an organization. 


Talking about ERP, SAP was one of the first companies to develop business software standards and continues to lead the industry with this ERP technology.


SAP basically offers application and database management in an effective manner. SAP solutions can be placed "on-premise" at a user's location(s) or used in the cloud to assist businesses in analyzing and designing the complete value chain. 


SAP HANA, SAP S/4 HANA, SAP BW/4 HANA, SAP Business Suite, and other SAP technology breakthroughs are among the most recent. 


Some common misunderstandings include the distinction between SAP HANA and SAP S/4 HANA. Is S/4 HANA a SAP HANA version? Are they both the originators of the same technology? 


A Gist about SAP HANA and SAP S/4 HANA




SAP HANA is used as a database platform or core technology in organizations handling sales, manufacturing, HR, accounts, and so on. SAP HANA is a database designed for in-memory computing that is used to accelerate SAP applications and business processes. Companies can respond to market conditions based on real-time data rather than relying on quarterly reports. This is only possible because SAP HANA can perform real-time analytics, crunching data almost instantly. This enables businesses to respond to changing conditions more quickly, providing significant strategic benefits.


Unlike other RDBMSs, SAP HANA reduces memory usage by ten while improving performance by utilizing column-oriented storage, which combines OLAP and OLTP into a single structure. The design of SAP HANA allows for significant changes in the speed of both online transaction processing and online analytical processing.


Because it stores critical data in memory, real-time data analysis with SAP HANA is one of the best features of any database technology ever.


About SAP S/4 HANA


SAP S/4 HANA is SAP's next-generation business suite, designed specifically to use with SAP HANA database. SAP Business Suite 4 HANA is abbreviated as S/4 HANA. SAP S/4 HANA is the fourth business suite release following SAP R/3.


SAP S/4 HANA is a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that features simplified data, a simple tool design, agility, ease of use, complex calculations, and the ability to handle huge amounts of data. It can be installed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid system.


Here is the major difference between SAP HANA and SAP S/4 HANA.


SAP HANA is a database, while SAP S/4 HANA is an application that runs on SAP HANA Database. 


SAP HANA is an in-memory database technology that serves as the foundation for many other SAP and non-SAP applications, whereas SAP S/4 HANA is a next-generation ERP solution that is built on the SAP HANA database architecture.


SAP S/4 HANA is a business suite that was launched as a robust ERP solution with both ERP and BI capabilities that take advantage of HANA's in-memory computing power. Because it only runs on SAP HANA, it is an in-memory version of the ERP Business Suite.


To Conclude

SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA's popularity has resulted in widespread use globally. The demand for these modules is extremely high, and a wise professional must leverage this trend to meet market demands. One of the best SAP certified cloud service provider offering SAP S/4 HANA managed services is ESDS.


As SAP continues to push S/4HANA as the primary ERP suite, the demand for experts who can integrate legacy systems is growing rapidly.

Manohar Parakh
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