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Small Business Loan

Business Loans Eligibility
Small Business Loan

Small Business Loan

A small business loan helps you in growing your business, allowing you to invest in infrastructure, operations, plant, and machinery.  

Customized small business loan are a new category of business loans that are tailored to meet the specific needs of new-age business or startups. These loans offer your enterprise the opportunity to scale and give it the competitive edge necessary for success in today’s world.

How to Calculate Small Business Loan Eligibility?

After evaluating various parameters, the eligibility of business loan is calculated which includes your business record, CIBIL score, credit utilization ratio and financial records. To be eligible for a small business loan, you must meet the following requirements:

A good CIBIL score that ranges above 700 as it plays a major role in determining your eligibility

A clear tax record; having a good tax filing history will ensure that you get a high loan amount

A clear debt repayment record assures the lender of your financial discipline

3 steps to avail a small business loan

Step 1: First of all, in order to compare and choose the best deal visit financeseva.com a one stop solution to cater your business needs.

Step 2: Once you have chosen your preferred lender simply click on get quote and enter a few basic details such as name, email address, mobile no, loan amount.etc.

Step 3: Within 24 hours of receiving your request, a dedicated concern department representative will get in touch with you for further formalities and sanctioning loan.

Business Loans Eligibility
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