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Still, No Bye-Bye To The Wave!

Still, No Bye-Bye To The Wave!

Yeah! Said TaTa! Bye-Bye! To the second wave of covid-19 successfully. But do you expected, even after the few days, that means, today, india will be at the middle of the third wave of it. Yes, friends, the wave is till continued and asks to be at safer zone always. Not only you, for your child too. Not only this virus, any virus will do many harm to the child as their antibodies ar growing up only. So, the best child specialist in kundrathur is always being ready to care every child as one of theirs.

Hi and hello friends, a glad welcome. As we discuss here, there is nothing wrong in being just at safeer zone. Never think that l;et the government put the full lockdown and then I believe it and be safe. Because, the government will not go for that straight away as ther are many burdens and consequences to lift and face in future. So, never conclude that if there is no lockdown, then there is no wave of covid. So, take care of your child too with the best child specialist in kundrathur.

For more detail visit us at www.ayyappanclinic.com and you contact us at +91 98416 22317, +91 72998 28855.

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