Any plans for Halloween this year? Not yet? Here you go then! Come out to the Halloween Spooktackular Carnival where children of all ages can adore playing games, enjoy a hayride, or even try out the Haunted Trail. This year’s event will be held on 29th of October 2015 from 05:00 P.M to 08:00 P.M at Hawthorne Memorial Center, 3901 W. E1 Segundo Blvd. You can hire a Hawthorne taxi to get you to the Halloween Spooktacular Carnival.
In the Spooktacular Carnival Zone there will be games and sports and abundant of toffees, chocolates and rewards for the winners in the Carnival. The complete family can relish the ancientstylish hay ride that will storm through the fine-looking day use area that fall evening. There has been an addition of Ziggy the Clown who will be creating some splendid balloon formations. Chuckles will be doing face painting on kids & Oboe the Juggling Hobo will be charming the audience with LED juggling & mystic tricks.
So, have you thought about your Halloween costumes for this year? No? Start thinking about what you are going to wear. You will have to dress up in your best Halloween costume and participate in the Costume Contest that will be held during the Carnival. The contest will also be for kids falling in the age group of 0 to12 years. They will be divided into 3 different groups categorized as the age groups 0-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Awards will be presented for 1st to 3rd place in each age group. Registrations are open. Don’t waste your time and come up to register for the Carnival. The Contest will be expected to begin well on time. You will be required to pay $50.00 for children of 12 years of age and below and only $1.00 for those above 12 years of age. Make sure you accompany your kid to the Fest. Call to book a Gardena taxi to arrange a pick-up and drop at the Carnival venue.
This can be a great together for you as a family. Moreover, you will get an opportunity to display your carving abilities by getting a carved pumpkin and to participate into the Carved Pumpkin Contest. You also have an option to get a decorated pumpkin for the Decorated Pumpkin Contest. Accolades will be bestowed to the best 3 pumpkins picked in each of the competitions. Pumpkin Contest judging will begin at 07:00 P.M. Get a cab Hawthorne to reach the place on time.
For those who feel they are strong enough can enjoy by going through the Scary Haunted Trail. We bet to make you scream here. The trail is expected to deliver an even scarier experience than what we had last year. Various new haunting additions have been introduced by our amazing innovative team. Be aware because once you go in there is no turning back. So, enjoy the scary trail.So be ready to come on out to the Hawthorne Memorial Center for the Spooktacular Trail and Carnival. Load yourselves up to start off the Halloween celebrations! Arrange for a cab Lomita to book in advance for the Halloween Carnival.