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How Disposable Vapes Are Gaining Popularity Among The Youth Of The UK

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How Disposable Vapes Are Gaining Popularity Among The Youth Of The UK

The social smoking culture is gradually changing in the UK. Young adults who once were lured by cigarettes are switching to vapes, and the reasons behind them are plenty. One of them is the ban on menthol cigarettes in May 2020. Another justification is the widespread availability of brightly coloured disposable vapes. Does that imply that brands like Menthalise Menthol Drops in the UK will perish? Let’s find out from the discussion in the article today.

What Made Disposable Vapes So Popular?

Trends come and go in every industry, and the vaping sector is no exception. When disposable vapes hit the market, experienced vapers believed it was a fad and would hardly last a few weeks. However, disposables unexpectedly grew in popularity. It’s not that disposable vapes were new to vapers. They have been around for quite some years. Why do you think it summoned the attention all of a sudden?

Disposables are hassle-free. They require no e-liquid top-ups, an adjustment in settings and coil replacements. One only needs to inhale in the mouthpiece and let the kit do the magic. In the past, smokers who found the task of lighting up cigarettes easier than setting up a vape kit could now enjoy the strong and sweet flavours. After all this, do you still harbour doubts regarding the rising popularity of disposable vapes?

Who All Vape from Disposables?

The primary vapers using disposables are existing vapers and cigarette smokers who have recently made the switch to vaping. Besides, there are social smokers aged around 18-30 years who have adopted the habit of vaping from disposables. Such social smokers are people who draw on cigarettes only in social settings like night outs.

Read: Top 3 e-liquid flavours of the vaping world

Disposable Vapes Versus Cigarettes

Everything points in favour of vaping from disposable devices, but this article also has its own set of explanations stating why cigarettes still enjoy the centre stage.

Disposable vape devices have plastic bodies. Being single-use products, they go straight into landfills and add to the already existing plastic wastes on Earth. At least cigarette smoking poses no such hazard.

Those who have switched to menthol vapes solely because menthol cigarettes are no longer available in the market have a solid reason to change their decision. It is Menthalise menthol drops. When this well-formulated liquid is poured over ordinary cigarette filters, it can transform them into menthol-flavoured ones. The wait time is only a few minutes, and the outcome is a cool, refreshing essence from a nicotine-packed cigarette filter.

The classic menthol flavour is not the only choice. Blueberry and cherry are fun, fruity flavours blended into a cold, icy punch. A 10 ml bottle has almost 200 drops to last longer than expected.

Disposable Vapes or Cigarettes – Which are Holding an Upper Hand?

Disposable devices may hold a strong ground for taking the chore out of vaping, but their future is bleak. On the contrary, with the availability of Menthalise menthol drops, smokers may continue to hold on to their habit of smoking. The experience of cigarette smoking is now double the fun and a lot more satisfying as is with menthol cigarettes. Both disposable vapes and cigarettes have their own fan base, and comparing the two is not justifiable. Lastly, to answer the question of whether cigarettes would prevail, the response is a big YES.

Author Bio:

She is a jovial person who appreciates the little things in life. Her writeups are all information-rich articles, answering the most thrown questions on the Internet. When she stumbled across Menthalise menthol drops, she was convinced that Netizens would compare them to disposable vapes. This inspired her to shed light on both vapes and cigarettes as a whole.

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