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Best Healthcare CRM Software (HIPAA Compliant Solutions) – Make Sure to have Patient Stream be the best choice

Steven Bolt
Best Healthcare CRM Software (HIPAA Compliant Solutions) – Make Sure to have Patient Stream be the best choice


CRM for medical professionals is an essential solution for several businesses. It does not matter your kind of business, you should have a CRM platform. Just like any other industry, the healthcare sector also needs CRM to stay on top.

However, the problem always lies with selecting the best healthcare CRM software. Healthcare CRM is important to manage the contacts of medical professionals and doctors. This content focuses on the best CRM solutions for healthcare.

What is HIPAA Compliant Software?

HIPAA compliance means there is protection for your customer’s data. It assures patients that their details cannot be compromised as their information are safe with the healthcare companies. Also, the software protects the information of clients from theft or fraud.

What are some of the best CRM solutions for healthcare?

Generally, there are nine different types of healthcare CRM software;

a.Patient relationship management 

b.Medical data management 

c.New Patient acquisition 

d.Patient engagement 

e.Treatment sales pipelines 

f.Payer management 

g.Clinic reputation management 

h.Appointment scheduling tools

The top companies to explore are;

1.Patient stream

Patient stream is the best choice your company needs. You can increase your customers without much ado. The platform allows users to create, optimize, and launch Instagram and Facebook in the simplest possible way. A team of professionals is readily available to attend to your needs.

Be a part of the fastest growing healthcare companies by employing Patient Stream. As a result, increase your appointments, leads, and revenue.

2.Salesforce health cloud

Salesforce health cloud is perfect for;

-Private hospitals and clinics 

-Patient outreach 

-Patient management 

-Sales and marketing 

-Payments and insurance

It complies with HIPAA standards.

3.Zendesk for healthcare

Zendesk is another top consideration as it is common too. It helps healthcare to maintain good experiences with their patients. Also, doctors and experts can organize daily tasks.

Other top options you can consider include;

4.Onpipeline healthcare CRM 

5.Leadsquared healthcare CRM 

6.IMS by Meditab 




10.Mercury healthcare

Advantages of CRM Solutions for healthcare professionals

A vital factor to consider in healthcare CRM is HIPAA Compliance. Customer relationship management is essential when dealing with healthcare customers. The concern for the customers is the privacy of their data.

You can do more with Healthcare CRM than only managing contacts and patients. For example, it can help to improve sales and marketing. In addition, medical experts and doctors can increase their patients' base via CRM.

Healthcare CRM provides support to the customer. It allows you to create online resource centers, design tickets, and monitor issues. CRM also strengthens communication between patients and medical professionals.


Do you want to get the best CRM for medical professionals? Using the appropriate CRM solutions, do you want to be ahead of your competitors? CRM helps properly manage profiles and data like an appointment, medical data, prescription information, and treatment history.

You can use CRM to perform simple administrative tasks in your hospital.

Steven Bolt
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