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Myre captial Warehouse Business Opportunities Warehouse Investment

Myre captial Warehouse Business Opportunities Warehouse Investment

Warehouse Investment in India and their Opportunities

The Indian warehousing market has been attracting interest from global and domestic institutional investors.  consistent with  The Economic Times, the country's industrial and warehouse sector has attracted investment of Rs 25,000 plus crores since 2017, with its robust demand for logistics fueling future investments, which  is probably going  to reach 50,000 by 2021. So,  the general  demand for Warehouse Investment in India has increased.

In the age of e-commerce, people are increasingly  counting on  digital platforms to fulfill their needs. Since Covid,  we have seen  a sharp increase in the number of people utilizing e-commerce platforms. The demand for goods has been at an unprecedented high.  to stay  up with this new trend, some companies have started leasing out warehouse investment properties closer to cities  in order that  they can better cater to a much larger segment of the population without sacrificing their turnaround time.

Pre Leased Warehouse Investment -Pros

Warehouse tenants usually stick around for 9  to fifteen  years. The low cost of warehouses  results in  a high occupancy rate making it a stable investment product.

The construction cost for warehouses is significantly lower. This makes warehousing a  cheaper  option in terms of commercial real estate by a significant margin. It also takes less time to construct one than an  office block , taking six months  rather than  three years!

The monetization cycle from the time of construction until rental earnings happens much faster, making them ideal investments for those looking into long-term security without sacrificing performance.

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