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The Combined Technique of FUT+FUE Hair Transplant with PRP

Rajveer Singh
The Combined Technique of FUT+FUE Hair Transplant with PRP

The Combined Technique of FUT+FUE Hair Transplant with PRP is a combination of the two Non Surgical methods. FUE is a microscopically guided method while the PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma) helps to nourish and stimulate wound healing, promote hair cell elongation and follicular regeneration by using your own blood sample as healing agent. The combined technique of FUT+FUE hair transplant with PRP is being widely used these days. It has been approved by the American Hair Loss Association, and some doctors also consider it as an advanced hair transplant procedure. You can opt for  Hair PRP in Udaipur.

The combined technique of FUE with PRP (platelet rich plasma) is an interesting option for hair transplantation patients. The procedure combines the benefits of microdissection and platelet-rich plasma stem cells to help your individual follicles heal faster. One of the most popular hair transplant surgeries today is the FUE, or follicular unit extraction. As for non-surgical hair transplantation, FUT stands for follicular unit transplantation. Combined with PRP, it provides you an opportunity for more natural results. More natural, because this technique doesn't take hair from another area of the scalp. It's a quick and useful method to get rid of thinning patches on top of your head and offer you a full hairline again. You can take Hair Loss Treatment in Udaipur.

Follicular Unit Extraction with FUE is a procedure used to achieve a permanent hair replacement. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is added as a part of this complex hair transplantation procedure and makes it even more effective. We here at Udaipur skin treatment, have been using this technology for many years now, which has allowed us to care for the most challenging cases and improve outcomes by providing Best Hair Transplant in Udaipur. Unlike a FUE hair transplant, the addition of PRP will help stimulate new hairs to grow after the surgery. This is ideal as it allows for more natural-looking hair and less grafts to be placed on your scalp, resulting in much less visible scars.

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Rajveer Singh
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