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Tin Plate Packaging

Tinplate is made of steel that has a thin layer of tin on it to protect it from rust. Some food cans made from this material have a layer of white enamel added to protect the food inside. Tinplate is also often used to make bottle crown caps and the tops of screw-cap glass containers.

Each year, about 12,000 tonnes of tinplate are taken to a separate place. This is the same as 1.5 kg per person per year.

Ecological assessment

The separation and recycling of clean tinplate and other steel plate packaging are good for the environment because it cuts down on the amount of iron and tin that are used. When compared to making packaging from new materials, making packaging from recycled materials uses more than 60% less energy and creates 30% less pollution in the air.

A different group

Waste aluminum can be put in the same containers as waste tinplate and steel plate. This makes it easier to handle and move the trash.

Magnetic separators are used by scrap dealers to separate the metals.

Before throwing them away, the cans must be cleaned so that they don't give off smells at the collection points. On the websites of the recycling groups, there is a map that shows where the collection points are. 

Tinplate steel, also known as a sheet of steel that has been coated with tin, is used for the packaging of products in a variety of industries, such as the food and beverage industry, the room freshener industry, and the canning industry, and so on. These industries are all end-users for open-end and peel-off packaging. Tin Plate Packaging is widely regarded as one of the most effective ways of product packaging.

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