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Sustainable Fashion: A Survival Guide for Men : Harley Tshirts for Men, Vintage Clothes, Active Wear for Men, Mens Jackets Online -Fashion Rerun

Fashion Rerun
Sustainable Fashion: A Survival Guide for Men : Harley Tshirts for Men, Vintage Clothes, Active Wear for Men, Mens Jackets Online -Fashion Rerun


Sustainable Fashion: A Survival Guide for Men


A well-dressed man radiates confidence and power. Being fashionable and keeping yourself groomed are qualities that earn you respect and admiration from people regardless of your gender. You can control the way the world perceives you through your fashion choices.

But men tend to have trouble finding their footing when it comes to their style because all the fashion advice on the internet is geared toward women. Here are some style tips for men who want to try their hands at sustainable fashion and thrifted clothes

Don’t Shy Away from Prints

The majority of the men are wary of prints as they are afraid that the outfit will look too casual. But a well-fitted button-down with minimalistic print can make you look effortlessly dapper. You will find many second-hand shirts with unique prints in thrift stores. Pre-loved clothes and jackets from sophisticated brands like J Crew, Calvin Klein, Old Navy, Tommy Hilfiger etc will last you a lifetime.

Be Bold and Quirky

Always invest in some bold and quirky branded retro clothes including jackets, t- shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies. Instead of the typical black Harley Davidson t-shirt, go for different colours and patterns. You can pair your second-hand retro t-shirts with vintage sports jackets for a bolder look.

There is a World Outside Denim Instead of hoarding more jeans than you need, shop for trousers and chinos that are more comfortable and stylish. Vintage work pants from Carhartt and Dickies are a good practical choice if you are in a dilemma. Through trial and error, you will soon ace that shopping trip to the thrift store.

Fashion Rerun can save you that trip to the thrift store through our carefully curated online collection. Come and take a look at our website to shop for quality second-hand outfits.

Fashion Rerun
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