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Best Hybrid Sports Cars of 2022

Best Hybrid Sports Cars of 2022

Electrification is no longer taboo, and finding plug-ins and hybrid sports cars roaming American streets is becoming more common. The benefits of electric assistance are obvious and for enthusiasts who take their time behind the wheel seriously, it may be a bit of a paradigm shift to think of hybrid vehicles as sports cars.However, there have been phenomenal hybrid sports cars and even supercars on the market for long enough that you can no longer deny the advantages. The best hybrid sports cars merge the elements of luxurious, tech-rich cabins with engaging driving and superb performance - and offer a reduction in fuel consumption, to boot.

Here is our list of the top hybrid sports cars for 2022.

Characteristics of Hybrid and Plug-In Hybrid Sports Cars

While there are differences between plug-in and hybrid sports cars, they do share some common characteristics:

  • Powertrain: Although fast hybrid cars and PHEV sports cars are slightly different, they are both defined by their electric assistance. Both types combine gas engines with electric motors and batteries, but where hybrids use regenerative braking to keep the electronics charged, PHEVs need to be juiced up by plugging into an exterior outlet. They come with automatic gearboxes for laying down the power smoothly.
  • Performance: These are not your run-of-the-mill commuters - sports cars are designed to thrill and provide the driver with an engaging experience. This is not just about smoking 0-60 mph times, but the pleasure the driver gets from behind the wheel. Still, outputs need to be impressive.
  • Curb Weight: Due to all the gadgets added to the engine, these cars tend to be portly, and those that come with all-wheel drive are even heftier. This has been said to provide a low center of gravity and does affect the handling characteristics of the car overall.

Read more - Best Hybrid Sports Cars of 2022

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