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5 Must Have Features of eSports App Development

Kenny William
5 Must Have Features of eSports App Development


The eSports industry is booming with creative heads. But we have carefully selected the 5 trendiest and must-have eSports mobile application features.


There are numerous technical aspects involved in the exponential growth of the eSports industry. Since the pandemic digitalization has been introduced and has been making remarkable impacts on every industry.

Among them, the eSports industry can be considered the freshest niche which has seen proficient technical upgrades. So we decided to cover one of the crucial developing aspects of the industry which acts as an informational bridge between the audience and the pro-scene. We are talking about those highly educational eSports mobile applications that provide you with real-time insights, news, and all the relevant statistics for keeping you updated in every way.

What is eSports?

The term eSports can be broken down into two different characteristics involved; Electronics and the games that qualify to be a part of small or large-scale tournaments. There are a lot of gaming platforms that have promoted the rise of eSports and even manufacturers of computing devices have introduced a separate sales category dedicated to the eSports industry. Let’s clear our doubts with some interesting facts related to it.

  1. The most watched eSports games are Dota 2, CS: GO, and League of Legends. Out of them, Dota 2 had a surprising viewership count of 17.2 million eSports Hours and a prize pool of $47.73 million last year.
  2. The market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 23% from 2019 to 2025, reaching a value of 2.89 billion according to Statista.
  3. PUBG Mobile is a free-to-play battle royal mobile based-video game that is seeing 30 million active players daily.

Several Tech-giants, IT companies, and Entertainment and multimedia organizations are taking a significant interest in promoting the pro-eSports platform. There are digital transformation companies that have started catering projects related to eSports App development too as a smartphone is the most economically beneficial platform to bridge the game between pro gamers and the community.

Impact of mobile apps in eSports.

Considering how lucrative the eSports industry has become and the statistics involved on a regular basis it has necessitated the introduction of a full-fledged dedicated platform. The platform consists of a plethora of functionalities and tools that help an average eSports enthusiast to keep up with their favorite team or organization. 

Original Source : eSports App Development

Kenny William
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