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La Vida Pre School Where your child can achieve anything

La Vida A Montessori Pre School
La Vida Pre School Where your child can achieve anything

Kids are born with an abundance of imagination. They only need the appropriate tools and supervision to allow their creativity flourish, which is why La Vida is the finest preschool in Faridabad.

La Vida is a preschool in Faridabad where all children are taught to represent themselves through art. The La Vida management team recognizes that art is a passion for every kid and strives to give them with all of the resources they require to develop their talents.

La Vida holds a particular place in the hearts of parents since it provides their children with a home away from home. The children get the opportunity to play with toys from around the world while learning about nature via engaging activities and storytelling. 

Pre School in faridabad

La Vida offers 3 major programs to your kids

1. Mom and child program (15 months onward)

2. Toddler Group & Pre-nursery (2+ years)

3. Nursery and Kindergarten (3 years and above)

All of these activities are geared toward assisting your children in developing their creative talents via play, discovery, and creative expression. Through hands-on activities, we encourage your kid to investigate many areas of art. These classes span everything from elementary math's to expressive art forms!

The proprietors of La Vida preschool in Faridabad not only offer an outstanding education for children, but also allow them to interact with the other kids from other backgrounds, allowing them to acquire interpersonal skills that will promote their social evolution!

La Vida A Montessori Pre School
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