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ceramic fiber filter

AdTech Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd

2.2.2 Differential thermal analysis A differential thermal analyzer (NETZSCH STA409PCPG) was used to analyze the phase transition of the sample during the heating process, and the heating rate was 10 ℃ min. porous ceramic feiltr.

2.2.3 Determination of porosity This test adopts the boiling method with high accuracy to determine the porosity of the product.

(1) Select a sample with a smooth appearance and no damage such as cracks on the surface. Before the test, brush off the dust and fine particles on the surface of the sample, and place it in an electric heating drying oven at 110-5 ℃ to dry to constant weight. That is, the difference between two consecutive weighings at an interval of one hour is less than 0.1w%. The sample is placed in a desiccator and cooled to room temperature, and the weighing is accurate to 0.01g.

(2) Put the sample on the boiling vessel, add distilled water to completely submerge the sample, heat it to boiling, continue to boil for 2 hours, and then cool to room temperature. (3) Put the above-saturated sample into a copper wire mesh basket, hang it in a container filled with distilled water with an overflow tube, and weigh the weight of the saturated sample in water to the nearest 0.01 g.ceramic fiber filter.

(4) Take out the saturated sample from the water, use a multi-layer gauze saturated with water to gently wipe off the excess water on the surface of the sample (be careful not to suck out the water in the pores of the sample), and quickly weigh the saturated sample in the air in the weight, accurate to 0.01g.

p=(G2-G1)/(G2-G3) where: ρ——apparent porosity of sample (vol% dry weight of the sample (g); the weight of saturated sample in the air (g) saturated test The weight of the sample in water (g).

AdTech Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd
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